Quotes, Quips and Verses
A collection of enjoyable, meaningful or significant proverbs, quips, passages, verses and excerpts that I've collected on my travels through the internet. Anything I liked at the moment is in here, like an antiques shop. I recommend you read one per day, and submit your favourite ones to your mother, wife or daughters to be embroidered and put upon the wall.
- Stand alone if you must, but you must stand
- Don't fight against, fight for
- Ignorant men raise questions that wise men answered a thousand years ago
- Free men should always wear steel.
- Men who promote equality are homosexuals in disguise.
- Keel before you kneel.
- Not all who wear the name of villain are truly evil men.
- If you're going through hell, keep going.
- Happiness is a warm musket.
- A man's face is his autobiography. A woman's face is her work of fiction.
- Keep your powder dry and your ammo close by.
- As long as there are living things, one of them will want another one dead.
- Go spend time in a forest. On a coast. In a grassland or by a river or in a desert. Nature reveals and heals many delusions.
- There are risks and costs to action. But they are far less than the long-range risks of comfortable inaction.
- Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names.
- Better to be carried by six than tried by twelve.
- Keep it subtle.
- The ruling king must know the lay of his law as the lines on the back of his thumb. He must know it like a path he walks every day, like the house he grew up in. It is a beast he must nurture without fear of being consumed by it, as he surely will be some day if he is not attentive.
- Civilise the mind but make savage of the body.
- Never laugh at live dragons.
- Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats.
- Remember to look up at the stars, and not down at your feet.
- Only get involved with the police if you're being arrested.
- In the modern world death is so far removed from the average person’s life. No longer do they live in fear of having their town raided or their life taken through the battle. Death doesn’t enter their mind until they’re elderly because they’re safe, they’re comfortable.
- Apathy is never respectable, you should be angry, passionate and aggressive.
- Horsepower and violence are what makes life worth living.
- Struggle is eternal. MOVE.
- If you are a gun owner, know this: you are guilty until proven otherwise. People who dont like guns dont want to understand it and they want everyone who owns guns to be shipped to forced labour camps.
- Traditions are answers that have been discovered to enduring questions.
- That last bullet is never for you, it is always for them, no exceptions.
- Crying doesn’t mean you’re weak. Enduring doesn’t mean you’re strong.
- Big poor families are happier on average than small rich or even middle class families.
- You're never beaten until you admit it.
- Rules are for the obedience of fools and the guidance of wise men.
- Keep it to yourself.
- Violence is never the answer, violence is a question. And the answer is yes.
- When a country has no greed, they are rich with the things that really matter.
- The blood of heroes is closer to the lord than the ink of scholars and the prayers of the pious.
- If you are filled with pride, then you have no room for wisdom.
- Pain is temporary, glory is endless.
- It's ok to be weak, but not to remain weak.
- If you have to lie to make your argument, your argument is shit.
- When you don't want your chattel to panic, you don't show your teeth. The enemy knows this.
- What use is it worrying about the inevitable?
- The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek.
- You either surf the Kali Yuga or the Kali Yuga surfs you.
- Distances vary according to the urgency of your trip.
- It is the warrior that makes the weapon great.
- Duty is heavier than a mountain. Death is lighter than a feather.
- A plump wife and a big barn never did any man a harm.
- Wherever you wander, wherever you roamBe happy and healthy, and glad to come home.
- If you're in a hurry, never ride your best horse.
- Everything a hero does, must be done out of love. There is absolutely not an inch of space for hate, or apathy, or even aimlessness in the true hero’s heart. You must starve these cancers and become something else. Even if you don’t love yourself, what you do, you do for love.
- Children come into this world preloaded with an obsession for building forts.
- People would not be rushing to buy ammo and guns if they had faith in the government.
- Don't ever turn your back on the Ocean.
- Nothing reminds women of their biology more than a disaster.
- A man should never live anywhere where he cannot openly urinate.
- Internet Yugas are four years long.
- Death is the fate of all living things. When you die does not matter; it is how you die that is important.
- Remember that you ALWAYS have to be vigilant against the Invisible Enemy! He prowls as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.
- Your kids need a dad they can brag about.
- Women are the most charitable creatures, and the most troublesome. He who shuns women passes up the trouble, but also the benefits. He who puts up with them gains the benefits, but also the trouble. As the saying goes, there's no honey without bees.
- Most likely, many of the things you think matter are structured around materialism and debt, and in fact do not matter.
- Worldly optimism and hope are opposites. They are not one and the same.
- Man is alive and fully enjoys this circumstance, and will not be happy to part with it.
- The overly cheerful man is suspicious. Optimism can be neurotic.
- You can't love the flowers if you don't hate the weeds.
- Sometimes our best is not good enough, but that is okay.
- When the snipe and the clam grapple, the fisherman profits.
- To love someone is to strive to accept that person exactly the way they are.
- Dying together sucks a tiny bit less than dying alone.
- When a person gains power, you don't see them change; you see what they've truly wanted to do.
- All women are snakes and the only one that will ever love you is your mother.
- You can get out of a lot of bad situations by just saying the words "I am an amateur photographer", remember this advice.
- Uncomfortability is not a freedom, it IS freedom.
- Shaman wisdom from anon twitter accounts is worth more than a college diploma.
- The happiest of human fates is to find something to love; but the second happiest fate is certainly to find something to fight.
- Dont be a victim of your genetics, make them become a victim of you.
- If one must drink, then let one drink thrice a month, for more is bad. If one gets drunk twice a month, it is better; if one gets drunk once a month, that is better still; and if one doesn't drink at all, that is the best of all.
- It is the cold glitter of the attacker's eye not the point of the questing bayonet that breaks the line.
- When you are the anvil, be patient. When you are the hammer, strike.
- You can build a throne with bayonets, but it's difficult to sit on it.
- Rome wasn't sacked in a day.
- A filthy room houses a filthy soul
- Remember that in any man's dark hour, a pat on the back and an earnest handclasp may work a small miracle.
- Tomorrow’s battle is won during today’s practice.
- A healthy mind would make no assumptions about what lurks in the dark.
- The best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago. The second-best time is now.
- You're more likely to survive a bad decision than indecision.
- Peaceful societies have replaced the private right of vengeance with the rule of law.
- Darkness is the natural state of caverns. If I were a cavern, I would be glad to be rid of the pest of light and exist obstinately. Such is the nature of the Universe, and all things within it. This example can be translated onto many other things in the world.
- sex-positivity, particularly the reddit kind, makes sex so demystified and blasé that it loses any true eroticism or appeal outside of a base desire for release. sex, nudity, and eroticism have had their unique transcendent value snatched away and replaced with "lmao send nudes".
- There is no such thing as an atheist in a foxhole.
- Those who can't make, destroy in jealousy for being unable to appreciate what went into it.
- The burned hand teaches best. After that advice about fire goes to the heart.
- A warrior should have more skills & knowledge than only the craft of weapons & slaying.
- When you are a dotard you will die. It is imperative that you do not reach this stage.
- Ancient men conquered cities & put them to the sword and fire, meanwhile you go to WINE BAR with “gf” & enjoy tasteful banter. YOU ARE GAY.
- A snake without fangs may crawl where he will.
- The tree grows best in the land of its sires.
- The "chosen people" will always tell you what happened to them, but they will never tell you why.
- Ask for help, and help shall be given to you; in nature, brotherhood is law.
- Always good to take a shit before an exam, before a date. Shitting releases anxiety and pressure, western monks knew this. You visualize what you are worried about, then release your guts, and the stressor is diffused, you are calm. Very useful strategy, also can't shit your pant.
- If you’re worried about if you're white or not, you’re non-white.
- Omnes vulnerant, ultima necat - All hours wound, but the last kills.
- Kill your Television.
- Nations do not survive by setting examples for others. Nations survive by making examples of others
- Hunger is the best seasoning.
- Everything goes in ebbs and flows. Glacial periods are a great example.
- The letter "P" in Islam stands for peace.
- A good village has happy women.
- Little kids have it right when they worship the garbage man, the postman, the guy who drives the semi and cranes, instead of admiring the cesspool of Hollywood that we adults seem to.
- Bottled water companies do not produce water, they produce plastic bottles.
- Girls are so used to compliments that insults stick out to them. The inverse is true for Men.
- One critical weakness of the female race is that it lives indoors.
- The only reason girls like camping is because it reminds them of being abducted and transported through foreign territory by an enemy tribe.
- The average person has no sense of self. They are a bundle of reactions, mere host to memetic parasites transmitted via pop culture/social media. You ask "Who are you? What are you like?" & they point to exteriors, lacking internal reference point, failing psychological mirror test.
- Never take criticism from someone you wouldn’t look to for advice.
- Women are incapable of accepting any responsibility and as such should have zero rights at all; they are autonomous property that occasionally bump into things.
- Boredom isn’t the problem, your need to constantly avoid it is.
- When men laugh a lot, something always happens.
- When the wheatfields are ill, the people are also ill.
- It is easy to make warm the heart of a woman.
- Culture is for people to be able to love each other.
- Be pleasant to be around.
- To live without scars physically, emotionally, and mentally is a life not lived.
- It is easy to make fun of weak soyboys, just as it is easy to be better and stronger than them. It is harder to help them become strong. Often we gatekeep out of fear for competition. A strong man strives for strong rivals, he wants every man to be strong!
- [The Negroes] are perpetual lowland dwellers, who at their most ambitious venture into the valleys. The peaks are reserved for the elite.
- Heraclitus said no man stares at the same TL twice.
- There is no level of intelligence that is good, dumb people are just that, midwits are destructive idiots that believe everything that sounds nice, "gifted" niggas are sad and retarded in their own way.
- Why hath a man shoulders and arms? To lift and carry burdens.
- Ideally, we would not have "trash".
- Every man when he enlists should leave home prepared to meet all hardships & bear them like a man.
- Dudes be like I cook, clean, do laundry, take care of myself, look nice, smell nice but I don't have a girlfriend. Brah you are the girlfriend.
- Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.
- You are never without hope if you have the capacity to change yourself.
- To abolish distance kills. The Gods only die by being among us.
- when you plant seeds in the garden you don’t dig them up every day to see if they have sprouted yet. you simply water them and clear away the weeds—you know that the seeds will grow in time. cultivate a kind heart, abandon impatience, and instead be content creating goodness.
- You should always visit your local flea markets. They are a modern expression of something ancient. You will get a good feel for the local populace, and tap into a communal energy. They are also a great place to find items of power. You would be amazed by the things you can find.
- Milk from a convenience store is better than 99% of soft drinks. 99%. I counted them.
- Europeans often take for granted the tremendous beauty they've inherited.
- They will ask for your rifles. Retain two. Give one and keep the other. A single rifle will save a hundred souls.
- A well ordered appearance is indicative of a well ordered mind and confidence.
- Raise your hand to your brow not to shade your eyes from the Sun, but to salute it.
- Usury & demographic replacement in the West (both Constitutional violations) are the only issues. The rest is theatre.
- Daybreak birdcall is the universe reminding that life is unfolding exactly as it should.
- Make a list of all the reasons you don't own horses dogs and sheep. this is "the enemy".
- It takes a village to raise a child.
- If you have the urge to "cheat" on your diet, consider that your diet might not be fulfilling all of your biological needs.
- Unjustly men hate death, which is the greatest defence against their many ills.
- It is a profitable thing, if one is wise, to seem foolish.
- The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him.
- War is like love, it always finds a way.
- Men are destined to be forever torn between wanting a wife to love and grow old with and to have nothing and no one in this world like traveling knights or cowboys.
- Women’s bodies actually become more beautiful to you after they have your kids, while birth control makes women less hot and desirable.
- If man wasn't meant to eat animals, then why were animals made out of food?
- War makes rattling good history; but Peace is poor reading.
- There are no third world countries, only third world people.
- If you are a medical professional and have been trained in a “civilised” country you probably know next to nothing about the primate Homo sapiens and how they survive in the wild.
- Electricity is a ghost, but one you can catch and kill.
- Owning less is great, wanting less is even better.
- How lovely is the silence of growing things.
- No effort in this world is lost or wasted.
- I don’t want to die in my sleep. I want to go out spectacularly, consciously and full of adrenaline. No witnesses.
- The best sword is kept in its sheath.
- At some point you will have to stop running and take a stand. Either you, your children or your grandchildren. Better you than them.
- You’re officially a right wing bodybuilder when you don’t touch receipts because of the toxins but are eager to get into a gunfight.
- Consider that if you ever disagree with me, it is likely because you are fat, ugly and wrong.
- Children are born reactionary and via education have these instincts crushed to learn liberalism.
- Become the car window reflection of yourself.
- People who criticise great works are just jealous they will never amount to anything within a whisper of them.
- If a man does not strike first, he will be the first struck.
- If a man says he is not afraid of dying, he is either lying or he is a Gurkha.
- Eat shit, look like shit. Sinple.
- Excellence is not an art, it's pure habit. We are what we repeatedly do.
- A lot of women mistake their unpleasantness for intelligence.
- life is like a blacksmith, it beats you down until you are tempered and sharp enough to slice through any opposition.
- Anyone who tells you to give up your hate is not your friend. Your hate is your sword, it terrifies them for you to have a weapon, any weapon. They want you docile and defanged. Remember: it’s either you, or them, and there can be no compromise.
- When an "expert" tells you something is dangerous, that is 100% proof that you should absolutely do it as soon as possible.
- Work is the curse of the drinking class.
- An armed man is a citizen, an unarmed man is a subject.
- Be glad to give your today for your children's tomorrow.
- Lack discipline and you will lack distinguishment.
- Some people think good art can only be made during wartime or whatever and they don't even realize It's Always Wartime.
- You like crunchy foods because it's a deep ancestral memory of chewing massive amounts of cartilage.
- Ancient anthropologists would comment on how gracefully a peoples' women walked or how easily the men's necks carried their skulls. Movement is an observable phenotype neglected by all but the most refined observer.
- Be the light the world needs, but don’t waste it on the dark.
- If you don’t behave as you believe, you will end by believing as you behave.
- Your mistakes do not define you, they design you.
- Does the spoon taste the soup? A fool may live all his life In the company of a master and still miss the way.
- Once upon a time, the Thames touched the Rhine.
- Australia is a fairy circle once you step in you're fucked.
- Caesar wept when he saw a statue of Alexander. His friends were surprised, and asked him the reason of it. ‘Do you think,’ said he, ‘I have not just cause to weep, when I consider that Alexander at my age had conquered so many nations, and I have all this time done nothing that is memorable?’”
- Jesus promised to rid the world of sin, which we still have. Odin promised to rid the world of Jötnar, and I don't recall ever seeing any of them.
- Laws to suppress tend to strengthen what they would prohibit.
- Not wanting to share space with someone you dislike is not hate, it’s self preservation.
- Walking up a hill in backless shoes does for toes what rock climbing does for forearms.
- Live immediately.
- Do not ask the gods for a woman until you prove you are a man.
- You are an ideological nomad, far from the heartland. What I'm saying is, go full Mongol.
- The care of the earth is our most ancient and most worthy, and after all our most pleasing responsibility. To cherish what remains of it and to foster its renewal is our only hope.
- There's no money in health, but there's big money in disease. Your enemy knows this.
- Ernst Jünger is valuable because where most understandably look on this war as nothing but bitter tragedy, he is among the very few who had resolve above such concerns, maintaining the warrior ethos & believing whatever passed through this crucible must only be made stronger.
- The older that you get, the more you'll realize that the "old fogies" were right.
- Small boobs, cushiony butt, and wide hips is the IDEAL female bodytype for mounted horse archery.
- We are each born crying but only the best and bravest of us will die laughing.
- Nothing can come closer to true happiness than the infatuation period before any relationship, where both parties are "acting" as if nothing is happening while both knowing that everything is happening.
- You can take a monkey out of the jungle, but you can't take the jungle out of a monkey.
- In absence of orders, locate a target and attack.
- Damaged men seek damaged women.
- You can look at three things endlessly. How water flows, how fire burns, and how other people work.
- Never trust a man to lead the way if his boots are clean of mud.
- Sometimes the only victory possible is to keep your opponent from winning.
- The weakest minds make for the hardest times.
- Raise victors not victims.
- So called "well-behaved women" are absolutely vital to their communities & powerful in ways that don't make the history books.
- An insect riding a petal down a post-rainfall deluge has more worries than the average white-collar worker.
- a happy wife is the most expensive thing in the world
- 2018 was the last normal paced year all the next ones are going to feel increasingly faster untill Ragnarok hits
- The Aboriginal idea that cameras steal your soul seems obvious and clearly true with hindsight.
- The aboriginal cries out while hes being kicked out of the pub for stealing m&ms
- Niggas out here really be stealing their granny's 1995 nissan pulsar for a crumb of crack
- I don't want your money, I want your life
- Nânne ofergietan þūsend and siex and sixtiġ
- I hope this email finds you in the middle of a gunfight, at a restaurant
- Any state, any entity, any ideology that fails to recognize the work, dignity, the rights of man, that state is obsolete
- Aggression is good. Control is the key
- I grew here, you flew here. Fit in or fuck off.
- Imagine living your entire working life through the greatest golden age of western capitalist wealth generation, depleting and raping natural resources for your own gain and the detriment of your children, and then having the NERVE to be a leech on the taxpayer into old age, desperately clinging onto life for as long as possible in order to soak up as much government assistance as you can.
- The bitterness of poor quality remains long after the sweetness of low price is forgotten
- Only women, children, and dogs are loved unconditionally, a man is only loved under the condition that he provide something.
- History doesn't repeat, but sometimes it rhymes
- If you didn't come from a loving household, make sure a loving household comes from you.
- Judge an ideology by its adherents.
- Every animal loves and will trust people of good character.
- Paracelsus warns that whoever digs in search of a gnome's hidden treasure must always remain cheerful.
- Perfection is attained by slow degrees, it requires the hand of time.
- The mountains, the forest, and the sea, render men savage; they develop the fierce, but yet do not destroy the human.
- The mind acts like an enemy to those who do not control it.
- Hate is drinking poison and expecting your enemy to die.
- Physical activity makes it much harder for the Threat to hold onto you
- People with high exposure to the media show many symptoms
- Remember to take all things in moderation
- Practice basic media safety. Control and cultivate your information environment.
- Anyone who tells you not to ask questions is an agent of the Threat
- You don't win by dying with the most toys, you win by becoming worthy of trust
- We speak with more than our mouths, we listen with more than our ears
- There’s no vice in looking nice
- Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt
- There's no victory without a fight. The only enemy is your limits.
- Confidence without competency is just delusion.
- Build with nature, not against it, find local solutions first, use local resources and local labor, stick to a technology that you can confidently hand down to each coming generation, and whatever you make, make it beautiful.
- The alliance between dogs and humans is ancient, and mistreating them is much worse than being cruel to other animals
- If it whines, it always misses. If it's for you, it just whispers
- The withering of all woods is near
- Liberty, Equality and Fraternity have come to mean Plutocracy, Publicity, and Pornography.
- To be strong is to be on the right side of history.
- Therapists are just cult leaders who can't handle more than one person at a time
- Hatred of the invading enemy is a most humane feeling. But it is born with such a pain of heart and torment of the soul that God forbid anyone to experience it a second time.
- The man that lives in a small community lives in a much larger world.
- I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country
- Anyone who thinks that girls don't actually like sucking dick have never been with a girl who's sexually attracted to them.
- It's blood and soil that makes a person what they are. If you have neither, and try to define yourself just by who you personally are, you'll quickly fall apart if you ever lose sight of "yourself".
- Reminder that the Rosetta stone was "discovered" by a soldier in Napoleon's army in Egypt because the locals had used it as a block in a wall. They had no conception of its significance.
- Your ancestors are watching. Will you honor their sacrifices, or spit on their legacies by indulging in another day of apathy and sloth?
- It is well to remember that God hates peace in those who are destined for war.
- We generate fears while we sit, we overcome them with action
- ''When those doubtful blessings, missionaries, stop the initiation ceremonies of a tribe, it always decays. When your take these rites from the people they lose their sense of life, and then they just go from one cigarette to the next, and from one drink to the next.''
- God made a “perfect” woman for Adam and she still did him dirty. Focus on yourself.
- The slightest understanding of fashion is your acceptance that the world is predicated on looks and violence.
- All life betrays itself and dies. To attempt to preserve one's life is pointless. Loyalty must be given to something greater than a single life.
- Generation to generation, breeding ever anew, and when you die the new stock goes on. That's the meaning of eternal life
- No happiness without order, no order without authority, no authority without unity
- Whose fan is in his hand, and he will thoroughly purge his floor, and will gather the wheat into his garner; but the chaff he will burn with fire unquenchable.
- Woman is nature in human form.
- You are an Englishman, and have subsequently drawn the greatest prize in the lottery of life.
- You must train harder than the man who is trying to kill you. You will get all the rest you will need in the grave.
- What we knew we did not want, what we wanted we did not know
- Might’ve been and could’ve done, neither worth thinking on
- Our Fatherland does not need lovers who cannot hate. If you want to be great in love, you have to be great in hate. The more passionately one loves his country, the more bitterly he hates its enemies.
- Greater love hath no man than that he lay down his life for his friend
- To accept a little death is worse than death itself.
- All of our gender problems are result of line between normal woman and prostitute continuing to blur
- Anzac stood, and still stands, for reckless valor in a good cause, for enterprise, resourcefulness, fidelity, comradeship, and endurance that will never own defeat.
- An open mind is like a fortress with its gates open and it’s walls unmanned
- Let us have a dagger between our teeth, a bomb in our hands, and an infinite scorn in our hearts
- Truth doesn't require much explanation, if any at all.
- Tolerance is the virtue of men who no longer believe in anything.of
- Are you a danger to yourself or those around you? No? Would you like to be?
- The goal of a military coup is to have fun
- The chinese (I refuse to capitalise the c) are not Human.
Quotes (don't expect me to look for the sources for these ones if I don't have one already, I don't care.)
- "I have not found one intelligent thought while reading the Qu'ran" ~Arthur Schopenhauer
- "Freedom is something you assume and then you wait for someone to try and take it away. And the degree to which you resist is the degree to which you are free" ~U. Phillips
- “The group must be open to death—which meant, of course, that it must be a community of warriors.” ~Yukio Mishima
- “Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can be impolite without having their skulls split, as a general thing.” ~Robert E. Howard
- "For there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so." ~Shakespeare
- "What do you feel when you shoot a russian soldier ?" - "The recoil" ~Simo Häyhä
- “Tap water is more dangerous than terrorism” ~Pietro Boselli
- "It must also be remembered that the distinguishing characteristic of the human species, self-awareness, calls for limited numbers: among masses of billions, man loses his identity, while his life is deprived of value and meaningfulness." ~Pentti Linkola
- "I want war with China. No nukes, instead I would like to fill your streets with the blood of your sons. Only then will you feel pain, and understand the impact you have had on all of earth."
- "As a child growing up in Alaska I lived on a fishing boat. At night before going to sleep (my bed was below the waterline in the fo'c'sle) I would listen to the Humpbacks singing. One of my fondest memories."
- “With our dear ones behind, and God above, and our friends on each side, and only the enemy in front— what more do we wish than that?" ~Captain Frank Bethune, OC No 1 Section, 3rd Machine Gun Company, Passchendaele.
- “The Australian troops are fighting magnificently and their training is far superior to ours." ~Field Marshal Erwin Rommel.
- Shortly afterwards a batch of some fifty or sixty Australian prisoners were marched off close beside us — immensely big and powerful men, who without question represented an élite formation of the British Empire, a fact that was also evident in battle. ~Field Marshal Erwin Rommel.
- “Even if I wished to surrender, and I don’t, I am commanding Australian who would cut my throuat if I accepted your terms.” ~COL Charles Hore, at the Battle of Elands River, 1900.
- "Women will never understand 4am Male confessions about the desire to die in a meaningful conflict and for that I pity them."
- “One may feel a sudden wave of sadness and rake his brain for an explanation when he might have noticed that it was caused by a cloud cutting off the rays of the sun.”
- “One's salvation could only be brought about through his own efforts.”
- "I witnessed a bison funeral in 1975. It was on an Indian reserve in Canada and a buffalo in the herd was to be killed for a ceremonial feast. A medicine man went into the buffalo pasture, with several people, including me, and lit a braid of sweetgrass and walked up to the herd praying in Cree. Then his son shot a yearling female at point blank range. Then they all stepped back and let the buffalo have their funeral. The whole herd of bison slowly walked in a circle around the dead one for ten or fifteen minutes. Then the herd left and the dead bison was butchered."
- "The best thing about the gun was the confidence it gave you. In my opinion it was the crowning jewel of the Flogger. Made it a unique customer. The worst thing about the gun was that it couldn't be lugged around easily and had a poor memory for faces. I couldn't, for all my trying, smuggle it out of the base even once. It simply refused to recognise me. After all the kind words showered on her."
- "Death does not concern us, because as long as we exist, death is not here. And when it does come, we no longer exist." ~Epicurus
- "Women will never understand 4am Male confessions about the desire to die in a meaningful conflict and for that I pity them"
- "there's a study where they had random participants of the opposite sex maintain eye contact in silence for just 4 minutes straight. a very big portion of them fell in love and got married."
- "Cattle die, kinsmen die, you yourself die; one thing now that never dies, the fame of a dead mans deeds.” ~Hávamál, 76
- "Our ancestors would laugh at a man without a horse" ~Hisperic
- "Violence is the supreme authority from which all other authority is derived. You must use brutal violence to achieve your goals, because naturally your enemy does not want to lose. The more you beat a man the more angry he gets at you, so you must cripple his spirit and his mind by exercising extreme and unmoving violence. Kill prisoners. Kill wounded. Destroy his idols and places of worship" ~Theo
- "You cannot escape it. Especially for me as a constant traveler. You just see the changes in the cities and on the major crossroads within Europe. Things are changing. Things are in uproar, and I witness this all around. I have the privilege of having friends in many different countries and I roam about quite a bit and so I got a real sense of how people are worried and frightened. Frightened of the right, frightened of the left, frightened of this new age that has swallowed us up. And no one has the answers." ~Jerome Reuter, 2019
- “Every man thinks meanly of himself for not having been a soldier, or not having been at sea.”
- "The smell of gunpowder is sweeter to me than all the perfumes of Arabia." ~The Warlord Pope Julius II
- “A man should hear a little music, read a little poetry, and see a fine picture every day of his life, in order that worldly cares may not obliterate the sense of the beautiful which God has implanted in the human soul.” ~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Silly Proverbs
- Dear ladies it is disgusting and immoral to have sex with men out of wedlock unless that man is me.
- No fucky wucky until ringy on fingy
- If you see a crop circle, take a shit in the exact middle of it.
- Philosophy begins when someone looks at 1+1 and says “shit aint adding up”
- I was elected to lead not read.
Interesting lines which I cannot define.
- Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there wondering, fearing.
- You saw them the moment you entered the room — two silvery eyes, flashing bright in the gloom.
- Past the humming highway, there's a vast and lonely dark.
- Find it deep inside the house, where no one ever goes - down a lightless hallway, in the darker rooms below.
- You hear music humming strangely from behind a shifting door, standing in an open field that wasn't there before.
- Every third night, at the witching hour, it crosses the fields near the radio tower.
- A memory that flickers just before it falls apart - of meeting for a moment, on that highway, after dark.
- Strange, the way it felt like home - to wander through the dark, alone.
- It spoke to you so strangely, in a voice that slipped between waves of softly droning static from the television screen.
- The air here smells familiar, and the wind sounds almost sad, like the low and distant howling of the dog you never had.
- Beyond the road, a blackened building shifts between the trees, and fills you with a creeping dread you've only felt in dreams.
- Little god raised up in grass, lord of fields and valleys vast.
- When night comes on, the suburbs hum.
- Some nights you dream of a labyrinth, deep beneath the ground, where you've learned to fear fluorescent lights and distant booming sounds.
- Far from all the urban sprawl, the darkness stirred, and said--"You've given up your teeth and tongue to some cruel voice in your head."
- Loyal, quick to sacrifice - your finest trait and fatal vice.
- Dark woods behind a soft green evening, where is felt a slipping in your being.
- I asked the relatives what it's like living in Australia and they said that going into the garden is different than in England. You stay away from the corners.
- I want war with China. No nukes, instead I would like to fill your streets with the blood of your sons. Only then will you feel pain, and understand the impact you have had on all of earth.
- Where the waves have choked on the cud we wed. To our lips, our blood, our cups, our bed; speak she the wintry Goddess Poseidon had bred:
"Where are my children, my famiglia, my bows and stead? What rut remain but woes and dread? A plastic family undone, ersatz and bled!"
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